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Task 34:
What is "PIVOT" in SQL?

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AdventureWorks Database (SQL Server)

The AdventureWorks Database is a sample database that demonstrates the capabilities of SQL Server. It includes data about fictional manufacturing company.

AdventureWorks DB ER diagram

The following is a list of DB tables:

Address - table of addresses.
  • AddressIDa unique identifier for each address (PK).
  • AddressLine1the first line of the address.
  • AddressLine2the second line of the address.
  • Citycity.
  • StateProvincestate or province.
  • CountryRegioncountry.
  • PostalCodepostal code.
  • rowguidguid.
  • ModifiedDatetimestamp of row creation or last update.
  • PRIMARY KEY, btree (AddressID)
AddressID AddressLine1 AddressLine2 City StateProvince CountryRegion PostalCode rowguid ModifiedDate
9 8713 Yosemite Ct. null Bothell Washington United States 98011 268AF621-76D7-4C78-9441-144FD139821A 2006-07-01 00:00:00.000
Customer - table of customers.
  • CustomerIDa unique identifier for each customer (PK).
  • NameStyle0 = The data in FirstName and LastName are stored in western style (first name, last name) order. 1 = Eastern style (last name, first name) order. Default: 0.
  • Titletitle.
  • FirstNamename.
  • MiddleNamemiddle name.
  • LastNamelast name.
  • Suffixsuffix.
  • CompanyNamecompany name.
  • SalesPersonSalesPerson.
  • EmailAddressE-mail.
  • Phonephone number.
  • PasswordHashpassword hash.
  • PasswordSaltsalt.
  • rowguidrowguid.
  • ModifiedDatetimestamp of row creation or last update.
  • PRIMARY KEY, btree (CustomerID)
CustomerID NameStyle Title FirstName MiddleName LastName Suffix CompanyName SalesPerson EmailAddress Phone PasswordHash PasswordSalt rowguid ModifiedDate
1 0 Mr. Orlando N. Gee [null] A Bike Store adventure-works\pamela0 orlando0@adventure-works.com 245-555-0173 L/Rlwxzp4w7RWmEgXX+/A7cXaePEPcp+KwQhl2fJL7w= 1KjXYs4= 3F5AE95E-B87D-4AED-95B4-C3797AFCB74F 2005-08-01 00:00:00.000
CustomerAddress - customer to address relations.
  • CustomerIDidentifier of client in the Customer table.
  • AddressIDidentifier of address in the Address table.
  • AddressTypeaddress type.
  • rowguidguid.
  • ModifiedDatetimestamp of row creation or last update.
  • PRIMARY KEY, btree (CustomerID, AddressID)
CustomerID AddressID AddressType rowguid ModifiedDate
29485 1086 Main Office 16765338-DBE4-4421-B5E9-3836B9278E63 2007-09-01 00:00:00.000
Product - table of products.
  • ProductIDa unique identifier for each product (PK).
  • Nameproduct name.
  • ProductNumberarticle number.
  • Colorproduct color.
  • StandardCostproduct price.
  • ListPriceproduct price in the catalogue.
  • Sizeproduct size.
  • Weightproduct weight.
  • ProductCategoryIDforeign key pointing to ProductCategory table.
  • ProductModelIDforeign key pointing to ProductModel table.
  • SellStartDatetimestamp of the sales start date.
  • SellEndDatetimestamp of the sales end date.
  • DiscontinuedDatetimestamp of the sales end date.
  • ThumbNailPhotothumbnail photo of the product.
  • ThumbnailPhotoFileName
    name of the photo thumbnail file.
  • rowguidguid.
  • ModifiedDatetimestamp of row creation or last update.
  • PRIMARY KEY, btree (ProductID, ProductCategoryID, ProductModelID)
ProductID Name ProductNumber Color StandardCost ListPrice Size Weight ProductCategoryID ProductModelID SellStartDate SellEndDate DiscontinuedDate ThumbNailPhoto ThumbnailPhotoFileName rowguid ModifiedDate
680 HL Road Frame - Black, 58 FR-R92B-58 Black 1059.3100 1431.5000 58 1016.04 18 6 2002-06-01 00:00:00.000 [null] [null] [binary] no_image_available_small.gif 43DD68D6-14A4-461F-9069-55309D90EA7E 2008-03-11 10:01:36.827
ProductCategory - table of product categories.
  • ProductCategoryIDa unique identifier for each product category (PK).
  • ParentProductCategoryID
    identifier of the parent product category.
  • Namename of the product category.
  • rowguidguid.
  • ModifiedDatetimestamp of row creation or last update.
  • PRIMARY KEY, btree (ProductCategoryID)
ProductCategoryID ParentProductCategoryID Name rowguid ModifiedDate
1 [null] Bikes CFBDA25C-DF71-47A7-B81B-64EE161AA37C 2002-06-01 00:00:00.000
ProductDescription - table of product descriptions.
  • ProductDescriptionIDa unique identifier for record (PK).
  • Descriptionproduct description.
  • rowguidguid.
  • ModifiedDatetimestamp of row creation or last update.
  • PRIMARY KEY, btree (ProductDescriptionID)
ProductDescriptionID Description rowguid ModifiedDate
4 Aluminum alloy cups; large diameter spindle. DFEBA528-DA11-4650-9D86-CAFDA7294EB0 2007-06-01 00:00:00.000
ProductModel - table of product models.
  • ProductModelIDa unique identifier for each product model (PK).
  • Namename of the product model.
  • CatalogDescriptiondescription in XML format.
  • rowguidguid.
  • ModifiedDatetimestamp of row creation or last update.
  • PRIMARY KEY, btree (ProductModelID)
ProductModelID Name CatalogDescription rowguid ModifiedDate
1 Classic Vest [null] 29321D47-1E4C-4AAC-887C-19634328C25E 2007-06-01 00:00:00.000
ProductModelProductDescription - table of product models descriptions.
  • ProductModelIDidentifier of client in the ProductModel table.
  • ProductDescriptionIDidentifier of address in the ProductDescription table.
  • Culturelanguage code in ISO format.
  • rowguidguid.
  • ModifiedDatetimestamp of row creation or last update.
  • PRIMARY KEY, btree (ProductModelID, ProductDescriptionID)
ProductModelID ProductDescriptionID Culture rowguid ModifiedDate
1 1199 en 4D00B649-027A-4F99-A380-F22A46EC8638 2007-06-01 00:00:00.000
SalesOrderDetail - table of sales orders details.
  • SalesOrderIDforeign key referencing the SalesOrderHeader table.
  • SalesOrderDetailIDa unique identifier of record in the table.
  • OrderQtyquantity.
  • ProductIDa foreign key referencing the Product table.
  • UnitPriceprice per unit of goods.
  • UnitPriceDiscountprice per unit of product with a discount.
  • LineTotaltotal amount by line.
  • rowguidguid.
  • ModifiedDatetimestamp of row creation or last update.
  • PRIMARY KEY, btree (SalesOrderID, SalesOrderDetailID, ProductID)
SalesOrderID SalesOrderDetailID OrderQty ProductID UnitPrice UnitPriceDiscount LineTotal rowguid ModifiedDate
71774 110562 1 836 356.8980 .0000 356.898000 E3A1994C-7A68-4CE8-96A3-77FDD3BBD730 2008-06-01 00:00:00.000
SalesOrderHeader - product sales orders.
  • SalesOrderIDa unique identifier of record in the table (PK).
  • RevisionNumberrevision number.
  • OrderDatetimestamp for creating the order date.
  • DueDatetimestamp of the order payment date.
  • ShipDatetimestamp of the date the order was shipped.
  • Statusorder status.
  • OnlineOrderFlagonline order (yes/no).
  • SalesOrderNumberorder number.
  • PurchaseOrderNumberpurchase number.
  • AccountNumberaccount number.
  • CustomerIDforeign key referencing the Customer table.
  • ShipToAddressIDforeign key referencing the Address table defines the delivery address.
  • BillToAddressIDforeign key referencing the Address table defines the account address.
  • ShipMethoddelivery method.
  • CreditCardApprovalCode
    credit card confirmation code.
  • SubTotalsubtotal.
  • TaxAmttaxes.
  • Freightdelivery cost.
  • TotalDuetotal.
  • Commentcomment.
  • rowguidguid.
  • ModifiedDatetimestamp of row creation or last update.
  • PRIMARY KEY, btree (SalesOrderID, CustomerID, ShipToAddressID, BillToAddressID)
SalesOrderID RevisionNumber OrderDate DueDate ShipDate Status OnlineOrderFlag SalesOrderNumber PurchaseOrderNumber AccountNumber CustomerID ShipToAddressID BillToAddressID ShipMethod CreditCardApprovalCode SubTotal TaxAmt Freight TotalDue Comment rowguid ModifiedDate
71774 2 2008-06-01 00:00:00.000 2008-06-13 00:00:00.000 2008-06-08 00:00:00.000 5 0 SO71774 PO348186287 10-4020-000609 29847 1092 1092 CARGO TRANSPORT 5 [null] 880.3484 70.4279 22.0087 972.7850 [null] 89E42CDC-8506-48A2-B89B-EB3E64E3554E 2008-06-08 00:00:00.000