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Task 171:
Write a SQL query to retrieve penguin island and species data from the penguins table in ascending order of body weight, starting with the 50th record and ending with the 60th record inclusive.

Use SQLite syntax to write your answer. Descriptions of tables are provided in the right pane.

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Querynomicon (SQLite)

A compact database for learning the basics of SQL.

The Querynomicon database contains tables:

little_penguins - table of little penguins.
  • speciesPenguin species.
  • islandIsland of residence.
  • bill_length_mmBill length, mm.
  • bill_depth_mmBill depth, mm.
  • flipper_length_mmFlipper length, mm.
  • body_mass_gBody mass, g.
  • sexSex.
species island bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g sex
Gentoo Biscoe 52.1 17 230 5550 MALE
penguins - table of penguins.
  • speciesPenguin species.
  • islandIsland of residence.
  • bill_length_mmBill length, mm.
  • bill_depth_mmBill depth, mm.
  • flipper_length_mmFlipper length, mm.
  • body_mass_gBody mass, g.
  • sexSex.
species island bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g sex
Gentoo Biscoe 52.1 17 230 5550 MALE
staff - table of employees.
  • identEmployee number.
  • personalEmployee first name.
  • familyEmployee last name.
  • deptDepartment.
  • ageAge.
ident personal family dept age
7 Abram Chokshi gen 23