Bookings Database (PostgreSQL)
The subject area of this database is airline flights through various airports.
ER diagram of the Bookings database
The Bookings Database contains 8 tables:
aircrafts_data - table of aircrafts.
- aircraft_codeUnique code for each aircraft.
- modelAircraft model name in English and Russian in JSON format.
- rangeAircraft fly range in kilometers.
- PRIMARY KEY, btree (aircraft_code)
| aircraft_code | model | range |
1 | 773 | {"en": "Boeing 777-300", "ru": "Боинг 777-300"} | 11100 |
airports_data - table of airports.
- airport_codeUnique code for each airport.
- airport_nameAirport name in English and Russian in JSON format.
- cityAirport city in English and Russian in JSON format.
- coordinatesAirport coordinates as POINT(longitude, latitude).
- timezoneAirport timezone name.
- PRIMARY KEY, btree (airport_code)
| airport_code | airport_name | city | coordinates | timezone |
1 | YKS | {"en": "Yakutsk Airport", "ru": "Якутск"} | {"en": "Yakutsk", "ru": "Якутск"} | (129.77099609375,62.0932998657227) | Asia/Yakutsk |
boarding_passes - table of boarding passes.
- ticket_noTicket number.
- flight_idFlight identificator.
- boarding_noBoarding pass number.
- seat_noSeat number.
- PRIMARY KEY, btree (ticket_no, flight_id)
- UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (flight_id, boarding_no)
- UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (flight_id, seat_no)
- FOREIGN KEY (ticket_no, flight_id) REFERENCES ticket_flights(ticket_no, flight_id)
| ticket_no | flight_id | boarding_no | seat_no |
1 | 0005435212351 | 30625 | 1 | 2D |
bookings - table of bookings.
- book_refBooking number.
- book_dateBooking date.
- total_amountTotal booking cost.
- PRIMARY KEY, btree (book_ref)
| book_ref | book_date | total_amount |
1 | 00000F | 2017-07-05 00:12:00+00 | 265700.00 |
flights - table of flights.
- flight_idFlight ID.
- flight_noFlight number.
- scheduled_departureScheduled departure time.
- scheduled_arrivalScheduled arrival time.
- departure_airportAirport of departure.
- arrival_airportAirport of arrival.
- statusFlight status.
- aircraft_codeAircraft code, IATA.
- actual_departureActual departure time.
- actual_arrivalActual arrival time.
- PRIMARY KEY, btree (flight_id)
- UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (flight_no, scheduled_departure)
flight_id |
flight_no |
scheduled_departure |
scheduled_arrival |
departure_airport |
arrival_airport |
status |
aircraft_code |
actual_departure |
actual_arrival |
1 | 1185 | PG0134 | 2017-09-10 06:50:00+00 | 2017-09-10 11:55:00+00 | DME | BTK | Scheduled | 319 | | |
seats - table of aircraft seats.
- aircraft_codeAircraft code, IATA.
- seat_noSeat number.
- fare_conditionsTravel class.
- PRIMARY KEY, btree (aircraft_code, seat_no)
- FOREIGN KEY (aircraft_code) REFERENCES aircrafts(aircraft_code) ON DELETE CASCADE
aircraft_code | seat_no | fare_conditions |
1 | 319 | 2A | Business |
ticket_flights - ticket to flights relations.
- ticket_noTicket number.
- flight_idFlight ID.
- fare_conditionsTravel class.
- amountTravel cost.
- PRIMARY KEY, btree (ticket_no, flight_id)
- FOREIGN KEY (flight_id) REFERENCES flights(flight_id)
- FOREIGN KEY (ticket_no) REFERENCES tickets(ticket_no)
ticket_no |
flight_id |
fare_conditions |
amount |
1 | 0005432159776 | 30625 | Business | 42100.00 |
tickets - table of tickets.
- ticket_noTicket number.
- book_refBooking number.
- passenger_idPassenger ID.
- passenger_namePassenger name.
- contact_dataPassenger contact information.
ticket_no |
book_ref |
passenger_id |
passenger_name |
contact_data |
1 | 0005432000987 | 06B046 | 8149 604011 | VALERIY TIKHONOV | {"phone": "+70127117011"} |
- PRIMARY KEY, btree (ticket_no)
- FOREIGN KEY (book_ref) REFERENCES bookings(book_ref)